Fairmont Singapore Good As Gold

Enjoy a personalised stay experience at Fairmont Singapore!

Good For Gold

Experience the epitome of luxury with Fairmont Singapore's "Good as Gold" package.

Enjoy personalised check-in/out, daily breakfast at the prestigious Fairmont Gold Lounge, and savour all-day beverages and refreshments.

Unwind in the evenings with a cocktail or two and treat yourself to exclusive experiences available to all guests with access to Fairmont Gold Lounge* such as art tours, massages, Aquaponics farm tour, wine tasting and more.

Access to the Fairmont Gold Lounge is now complimentary for all loyalty programme members with Diamond and Limitless status, available for eligible stays only.

One moment… We’re preparing your next iconic stay.

Exclusive member rewards: Fairmont is a proud member of ALL, Accor’s loyalty program. Join or sign in to save up to 10% on your next Fairmont stay.