Fairmont Austin AAA Special Offers

For over 100 years, people have been counting on AAA for special hotel offers, vacation ideas and help with their next holiday. This year, use your AAA Card to save with Fairmont Hotel & Resorts and create treasured vacation memories with a holiday to the Fairmont Austin. 


Three Special AAA Offers

For over 100 years, people have been counting on AAA for special hotel offers, vacation ideas and help with their next holiday. This year, use your AAA Card to save with Fairmont Hotel & Resorts and create treasured vacation memories with a holiday to Fairmont Austin. Choose from one of the three offers below. These offers cannot be combined or used with any other offer or promotion.

Fairmont Austin

Fairmont Austin is uniquely located amid the lush greenery of Palm Park and Waller Creek and directly connected to the Austin Convention Center.

One moment… We’re preparing your next iconic stay.

Exclusive member rewards: Fairmont is a proud member of ALL, Accor’s loyalty program. Join or sign in to save up to 10% on your next Fairmont stay.