Kids Adventure Camp Passport - The Adventures of Mrs. Engelhard
Embark on a virtual quest through Lake Louise with our Adventure Camp Passport. Your task is to help Mrs. Engelhard find her friend, Charles Fay who mysteriously vanished after he broke "The Hiker's Code". You can start your virtual quest by picking up an Adventure Camp Passport at the Front Desk or Concierge.
Summer Kids Adventure Camp Programming includes:
- Craft Time
- Outdoor Adventure Camp
- Into the Wild
- Day at the Fair
- Build a Buddy
- Pajama Party
- Game Night
- Art in the Mountains
- Campfire & S'mores
Activities are exclusively for hotel guests and can be booked online here
Winter Kids Adventure Camp Programming includes:
- Pajama Party
- Outdoor Adventure Camp
- Art in the Mountains
- Into the Wild
- Supervised Kid's Activity Time
- Indoor Game Time
- Craft Time
- Campfire & S'mores
- Campfire & Apple Roasting